I took the overnight train from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur in their top of the line seat. Overnight trains are awesome. You can save a night's worth of fees by sleeping while you travel! You have to travel anyway right? Might as well kill 2 birds with one stone.
There's a trick which lets you get a discounted Premier seat (a bed in a first class sleeper car with your own bathroom/shower) from Singapore to KL. Basically fares paid for in Singapore are charged in Singapore Dollars where as fares bought in Malaysia are in Ringgit. So if a fare is 30 in Singapore it costs 30 Singapore Dollars while in Malaysia it costs 30 Ringgit. A Singapore Dollar are worth more than a Ringgit so it's much cheaper to buy in Malaysia.
The trick then is to buy a round trip ticket from KL to Singapore and back to KL. You will waste the ticket from KL to Singapore since I am assuming you are in Singapore already like I was. Then you get the discounted Premier seat to take you to KL. Go to this website and buy your ticket there: www.ktmb.com.my. I can't take credit for this trick, it was detailed on seat61.com; do a Control+F and paste in this without quotes "A strange (you might say unfair) quirk of the system". All the details are there.
The Premiere seat is nice. The bed is comfy, there's a small bathroom and shower for you to use. There was a television inside as well, but it didn't turn on. I don't know if mine was broken or it they just weren't allowed to be turned on. The Premiere seat puts you in a room which you share with one other person. I shared mine with a Malaysia Chinese named David. He was a nice guy and I asked him whatever I could about KL. Turns out he works in Singapore but was going back home to visit his parents.
They also served us some food. Here's what we got. I can't remember which one was mine anymore, but I assume it was the noodles since I'm not a fan of fried rice. When the issue of drinks came up I heard the drink Milo for the first time. Milo? What's Milo? I was intrigued! Well of course I'm going to try some! I asked David, what's Milo? He said it was a chocolate drink that was very popular in Malaysia. I said I never heard of Milo. I must try some! I was excited of course, waiting to have this Malaysian drink. Then I got it. Turns out Milo is what they call Nestle Quick in Malaysia. LAAAAME! I don't know why it's so popular. It's served everywhere, like in all the fast food restaurants and what not. Crazy. Nestle Quick...... Nobody drinks that stuff in restaurants State side. Oh well.
So I took the 11:15 PM Train which then arrived at KL Sentral at 6:30 AM. I'd like to say I had a good night's rest but I can't. The train made several stops before getting to KL Sentral including one security stop when I assume they crossed the border into Malaysia. When we crossed the border they made everyone get out of the trains and wait in a building while the police and their dogs searched for illegal stuff. I found that kind of annoying. I also locked up my backpack in my pacsafe cuz I had to leave my things behind. When I returned it seemed untouched.
There was an incident that happened on the train just before we left Singapore. A man in another Premiere seat started shouting and complaining to the workers there, saying things like 'I can't do this. Do you know what kind of things will be said about me?' or something to that effect. Anyway point is he was having a huge fit and I couldn't understand why. He was demanding a new room. I asked David, the guy sharing my room what was going on. David told me that man shouting is Muslim and he's complaining because they booked a female in his room. He is not allowed to share a room with a member of the opposite sex due to his religion. Well he got it eventually. For me, I wouldn't have cared. It just sucks for whomever is sharing the room with me cuz I snore. ha.
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