Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Modern Toilet

I think I just found my favorite restaurant in the world: Modern Toilet. There are multiple branches in Taiwan, but the one I went to was located at Ximen in Taipei. You can exit the Ximen MRT stop to get there. It's a quick walk from there.
Modern Toilet

The premise of the restaurant is.... well, the toilet. All dishes are served in either a small model sit down toilet or a small model squat style toilet. For 30 NT (about $1 USD) you can also have your drink served to you in a urine bottled used in hospitals which you can keep. I assume they are not used.

A poo poo light.

The dining area.

Beef curry in a toilet bowl.

I ordered the beef curry meal which included some green tea and a ice cream dessert (not pictured yet0 in a squat toilet bowl. In all it cost me about $7 or $8 USD.

The girls sitting next to me ordered this huge ice cream and flavored crushed ice with fruit dessert, also in a squat toilet model. It looked delicious, but I was afraid I might get sick from the fruit and ice.

My dessert - icream in a squat toilet.

Dessert all gone... yummy.

I assumed the food would be terrible and the draw would be the toilet theme, but I was only half right. The food was not bad at all, the bigger desserts looked delicious, and I was the only one that seemed to care about the toilet theme, the locals were ambivalent.

1 comment:

carole said...

wow. that beef curry toilet bowl looks really unappealing. and disturbing on so many levels that this is a chain restaurant...yeghck!

loved your tea lesson though. ;)